How We Successfully Organized Our Exclusive Membership Club!

"The Trillionaires Club™," 



The 12 Tribes Secret = YOU = Success System®

We respect your privacy. Your data will not be shared or sold.


How To Earn $71,000.00

Without Ever leaving Home,

Or Working A Job!

...Even If your Two Steps From Bankruptcy!

Marvin S. Douglas Jr. CEO​

From the desk of Marvin S. Douglas Jr.

Chicago, Illinois.


Dear Friend,

If you want to get your "VERY OWN" Script Copy Book, and learn to earn, how to make income online using your internet capable device.


Our book will be the most critical product launch short script copy book that you'll ever need or read.


Please read it and review it, then change a few words to make it fit your vernacular, next monetize it by sending it out to your email list, to gather new clients, and earn exponential income for yourselves using ours and our contractors and partners systems!


Firstly, Let's Address Any Skepticism, With Brutal Reality, From The Beginning!


We are aware that our message creates skepticism, and in this section of our email, it helps us to make a damaging admission around an area of any suspicion you're having right now, because of reading our headline.


It's not like you're going to believe us without an on hands evaluation blindly, are you?


Which is the reason why we are offering you a refund, and trial period, including our full money back guarantee.


Actually, you're probably having doubts.


However, intelligent people only make decisions after gathering enough information to determine how to make the right decision for themselves with the information given, after considerable deliberation and a full picture after an investigation, of the subject matter.


So, it's best we face any skepticism or fears about it head-on.


For our example of how to view it, “if it were a book about offline marketing, we might say," "Listen, this book is excellent. It can help you...,"


then elaborate with a bold claim that only after your purchase, would you be able to verify it, which would be unfair, and disingenuous, "right?”


However, we are right now, “explicitly telling you, that if you don't have anything to market, No product, No talents or expertise of any kind No nothing,” then don’t get the book.​


The book as good as It is is not really for beginners trying to go out into the public and market in person, "face to face," in that sense."


If that is your niche, “marketing,” then you'll want to transition into learning the benefits of the things you're marketing, without this book:


"So, with that understood ..., let us jump right in and show you firstly our sincere belief on, “Exactly What You've Been Seeking!" ​ ​

Exactly What You've Been Seeking!​


"Exactly What You've Been Seeking," is our Frank Kern ​inspired product launch short script copybook on how to write a long-form marketing page in our product launch short script copy book that features additionally, how to introduce a product launch.


Here is where we "really" want to discuss our Systems results you can achieve after investing in our offer.


You shall learn about how our system differs from all other Systems you have tried, and what are our main benefits you would get that are more beneficial and cost-efficient.


Let us explain show you how quickly we can aid your product launch with benefits that keep your clients engaged and extremely interested in your services.


In our marketing letters and consulting information, we explicitly show:


"First of all, that your business isn't like any other, as our business book is unlike any product launch short script copy book that you've ever read, we include details and steps to take.


Next, we included hyperlinks for theirs and your use, that demonstrate how to get Contractors, and Partners, and what they need to build momentum leading

into yours, or their product launch.


There's no filler or fluff- just battle-tested tactics that are working right now, and it's easy to read and comprehend.


All the 18 or slightly more pages, you can read it in at noon, over lunch, and go back to work and produce results before your day is over.


Additionally, It's About More Than Just about our marketing, consulting services, and advice.


See, you can use the same marketing system in this product launch short script copy book to market all kinds of high-end products and services, even if they're not yours, without worrying about shipping and delivery.


For example, we've also used the same system to get professional services clients for our marketing agency every month.


Also, we consulted an insurance agency recently about how to use these same strategies in the book to attract Advisers for their Financial Services firm.


A Mortgage industry client in the is using the same strategies to attract loan officers using the same "strategy for a lending institution..., and "then  to turn those loan officers into monthly coaching clients that pay him  for his services."


You shall see how we kind of lead with some essential vital benefits? 


That's what we want you to do with our product launch short script copy book.


When you finish mulling over this section, it's time to transition to the meat of the letter..., which is the bullet points.


Our Bullets are CRITICAL to our long-form sales letter - but few people use them these days in their swipe copy to their disadvantage.


So - before you use them, we want to show how to transition into the bullet section with a quick "transitional sentence."


Here's how we were taught to do it:


"So, as we said, there's more to our little book than "just" consulting.


Here's A Fraction Of What You're Getting...,

  • Why "MLM" recruiting and prospecting is usually DEAD WRONG ...and what to do instead.

  • When it's OK to spend every dime of your profits, and never pay anyone one cent of your income to own houses and cars! Then collect a tax refund on those items!

  • NEVER do this one thing that anyone tells you that you should when trying to buy a house...even though most people "swear by it," and the IRS bankers pray for it!

  • Why even though you've already got five bullets here you need to 3 "X" this many.

  • You've just seen how to utilize each of our bullets super-fast, or can learn how to implement them in training, after you've joined or when you've watched our video, that we've made for you which is free.

Also, much, much, more! 

However, you know what you'll love?​

Our Huge Secondary Benefits!​




“The Trillionaires Club,” opportunity and income, that can help you;


1.    Save your home


2.    Keep your car


3.    Keep your credit score


4.    Save your marriage


5.    Prevent repossessions


6.    Prevent foreclosures


7.    Stop tax liens


8.    Inhibit IRS tax liens with cash to settle with


9.    Stop the damages to your credibility


10.  Set your life back on track


11.  Deliver real-time income


12.  Learn how to replenish that income at will, without ever working a job again, or having to leave home after you've joined “The Trillionaires Club™,” today!


Additionally, when you are finally using our proven “12 Tribes Secret = You = Success®” System,

after fully implementing our planned strategies for success, as directed with verifiable completed tasks, goals, and actions;


Your significant discount on “The Trillionaires Club™,” membership will eventually end, allowing you to renew and continue allowing us to service your needs, and businesses requirements.


However, renewal comes with retention, and you shall have earned the income to afford the renewal of your membership for a lifetime!


In other words, our Trillionaires Club™ membership self-sustains, and replicates, itself, to outlive and outlast you.


However, we will have assisted you to start your very own Corporation, and Corporations are immortal entities.


Today's the day and our timer's set to expire, and as the clock ticks down to the last second, you can decide if you want the lifestyle of the successful, or to maintain your current existence.


Chose to finally get “The Trillionaires Club™” trial membership and use our 99% off trial offer discount right now at $4.97. 


Allow us to teach you wealth principles, or continue losing future revenue and paying the taxes without the deductions the wealthy enjoy. Start living a new lifestyle while learning to earn, even more, to have more to purchase with, and extra deductions to write off!


"Listen, we understand If you don't like "marketing," you're not alone.


We can't stand "sales" either, which is why we only hire managers.


We forbid selling, which is why we designed our system that does it automatically, "

as it will for you too if you can follow our instructions, and directions and turn off the television,

moreover tune into our online networks.


We would instead rather do online typing, rather than the average, typical "salesperson," marching from door-to-door begging, and lying from pillar to post.


Which is the reason we've spent years developing; the “12 Tribes Secret = You = Success®” System.


We're giving you at the end of this product launch short script copy book our strategy, and income level projections, but first, you will have to sign our non-disclosure/non-compete contractor’s agreement and become an industry leader. 


When you do that and start using the system, two things will happen.


First, you'll become a genuine leader to everyone you introduce our system too, as you progress

and they'll come away from their experience viewing you as a trusted friend, leader, coach and mentor, adviser regardless of whether they buy anything or not.


Why would anyone not buy you ask?


Because we do not entertain, or sell, we explain and tell our success stories like sharing a review of

a good movie you've just watched, which makes them run out to the theater to see it too!


Moreover, you get paid for the referral, unlike the movie theater that never pays you for a reference!


Now, this is important, because you shall have set-up the basis for a long-term relationship with your clients.


They're likely to become significantly long-lasting repeat clients, that continue to trust you and do business with you, for years into the future.


The next thing you'll notice is;


You'll discover how to make automated online sales, without ever personally selling, or ever leaving home!




It's financial freedom, time off, and vacation travel time!


Hold on a moment, and we're going to teach you how to acquire real estate without using any of your own money, or ever paying for it!


Wait, a minute, and you'll also learn how to leverage other companies into paying for your luxury vehicle!


Additionally, you'll learn to do it without doing any or ever selling at all.


You'll find we have restricted and forbidden our managers to sell anything ever!


Never, never will you have to endure the painstaking agony of begging, or convincing, anyone,

and you won't even have to talk about yourself, or your services, practically at all,

we have prepared a way to do that online as well!


That's because of the way the “12 Tribes Secret = You = Success®” System, works.


We've created the System using a combination of advanced "NKJ version" persuasion strategies,

and a new approach called;


"The Collaborative Bridge Building Method,"

labeled by Frank Kern, that he attests will have your prospective clients helping to sell themselves!


Yes, you heard that right, and we forbid our managers to sell!

If the captain is rowing the boat, when you think about it, who is steering the ship at that moment?

Your prospects and clients will do part of the selling for you, and your friends and family

will begin calling to tell you about the new system that they just recently discovered!


When you use our "12 Tribes Secret = "YOU" = Success," System approach, 

we include in our membership training, after you've joined, purchased the book, and did that,

all before the expiration clock times out."


You shall learn how to create an entire "universe" around a secondary benefit,

to display the value of our membership, that's waiting on you to show up,

and begin hiring and training with your 12-member tribe/team.


So, when you combine this with everything we've asked of you so far,

your prospective new Tribe/Team members should be highly interested in learning

the principles of wealth generation as you have, which increases their retention and development.


Which is why you should encourage candidates to join so you all can begin

earning and learning together from our contracted trainers, and instructors.


Now - this is us teaching you again - to copy our script.


There Is No Catch! Here's What To Do Next, Join Us!

We know, right now that it seems so necessary and undeniable..., 


however, we'll use this transition into the part where we can invite clients to join us,

and for their trust and investment for YEARS ...,


also, it shall always serve the need well, because you opened an email, or watched a video,

or joined a webinar, that described and encouraged you to join us this day!


One that changed your future and created generational wealth for your family that will outlast our lifetimes!


They are done, by our inspired mentor teacher and Coach instructor the learned Frank Kern

and our contracted partners, and their membership platform services, at Genesis Digital,

using the Kartra membership platform, kudos.


Without them, our vision may have taken a few more years to turn into substance for delivery to you

the end user!


Frank stated that he learned it from John Carlton, by the way.


John was an "Amazing Copywriter," and an excellent partner in general debauchery if you ever get the chance to study his works, please do!


Notably, we "literally" need to tell you what the deal is, and how to find within our book secrets left untold so far.


Therefore, we would not, however, describe the whole film, only a preview of the possibilities,

you’ll have to join and see the entire movie to get that!


So, in our book you'll discover how to join the club, how our contracted partners offer shall appear,

and how they and, or we'll train you on how to create and develop a killer marketing letter

for your very own consulting or product launch book:


"The "cost" of our product launch short script copy book is $4.97, and you receive it as an instantly downloadable book.


The second you place your order, you'll receive an electronic receipt with a link to download the product launch short script copy book directly into your email box, check your junk and spam folders if it hasn't arrived in minutes.


You can receive access to it anywhere, immediately, without having to wait for a mail carrier.


Oh, and in case you're wondering.




The above statement is called a scarcity tactic! 


We usually do not use scarcity tactics. 


We just wanted you to learn how to use that as a self-funded proposal.


A self-funded proposal is a sub-headline that like above can do just that for you. 


When you need to buy or pay for ad-spend, without going into your bank, you allow the income from clients to fuel the ad purchases to get more clients.


We do want to impress upon you our reason why you should order right now and join the club.


Most businesses that use those will not explain as we have. So we're just giving you the real reason because "Time Is Of The Essence."


"In most cases, companies take a loss when selling their books at that price.

It costs them just over $31.00 in advertising expenses to sell one book.


So why would I tell you that?


Simple, to start educating and training you in advance, like passing out cookie samples in the bakery.


We're betting that you'll enjoy our book and the contracted membership training so much,

that you'll call and ask for additional classes and training from us. 

We are Making this offer with the intention that you'll be extremely impressed with what we're giving you today, and that you'll want to do more business with us in the future.


We're betting that you'll enjoy our product launch short script copy book, and the contracted membership training so much, that you'll call and ask for additional classes and training from us.


Now that's Pretty Honest and straightforward we would say.


Now, with all of that said, this is a limited offer. 

See, there, it is straightforward, we don't make up a bunch of stuff here or lies to get you to click a button, others join our club purposely to learn how to 12 "X" their income.


Those types of hidden agendas, clients shall see right through them, so if you use them to be a straight shooter as we have, and tell them what the real deal is, and why.


"Oh, and in case you're wondering ... Yes, Of course, there's a 100% money-back guarantee.


In Fact We Think It's "The Boldest Guarantee In The World!"​


We and our Partner Coaches, and Mentors are all a little more than too generous,

about our guarantee amounts, refund periods, and timelines.


Here's how to view it:


In our 100% Guarantee, you'll love our first ever book and the new video training,

or we'll return your $4.97 and allow to you keep the product launch short script copy book,

the video, the training, and the trial membership until it expires. 


Why did we offer such a generous refund and guarantee, you ask?


Because as large as the internet has become, we are part of a more extensive system that includes all systems. 

So no matter where you go, it still returns you to us, and we welcome you back with open arms!


So yes, that's right, if you quit and draw a refund, and later find out that we are the end all be all. 

Now, if for financial reasons you've decided that you must quit. 


You'll never have to return anything to us.


Just email or call the number on your receipt, and we’ll give you back your $4.97 with no questions asked as quickly as electronically possible.


How's that for fair exchange?


Now that we've stated our guarantee, we're asking for you to join our Tribe.


We instituted electronic Expiration timers like this below so that you know we aren't selling, only asking you to consider and try our benefits. 


Moreover, our expiration clock is used to allow us to save money by not continuing to send information to those who have shown no interest and have not read or opened any of our messages.


However, for those of you who have, then if they're great, join us and  tell a friend, and allow us to compensate you as one of our W-9/W-8BEN Contractors: 


This Offer, Truly Is A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy "Now"

Before This Offers Timer Expires!


Thank you for reading our letter, and we shall look forward to speaking with you as soon as our newest member very soon.​



Marvin S. Douglas Jr.



Now, We'd like to give a quick recap of our offer and tell you why you should order again.

Here's more collected information from our product launch short script copy book letter:


In case you're one of those people (like us) who skip to the end of the message, here's the deal:


We're offering you a List Builder product launch short script copy book, and our book outlines how to get high-paying clients ..., even if nobody's ever heard of you.


The book is $4.97 for not just the product launch short script copy book we've also added our membership offer at the same price, for only $4.97 more with training, and the opportunity to earn up to a crazy $71,000.00 during the trial period, which we shall pay for your performance!


Except for the actions we require are simple, hire, and train 12 people how to engage, interview, train, and manage 12 people of their own!


No reason to worry - "stealth" doesn't equate to "sneaky" or anything like that.


It's 100% built on ethical business principles, and we shall hand you an experience of being honestly engrossed in wealth creation while helping you "learn to earn" and develop your tribe/team of newly hired contractors totaling 12 people so that we can enrich your lifestyle with income.


What's more important about this system is we aren't using any sales pressure or trying to convince you, with any of the typical stuff you might associate with "sales."


It is our experience, that this "simply just works better," “telling,” rather than selling!


On top of all we offer, we're also giving you an invitation to our 120-minute online free webinar that show tell you exactly how to implement what you may not have learned in the book’s short version.


Which also includes details about how to do a product launch; Our 120-minute online webinar training.


This training shows "How to purchase a home with no credit, and no funds of your own, even if you don't have a job," without ever stepping foot into a bank and begging them or a mortgage company for a loan!


The offer is only for a very limited offer because it's our marketing test.


There is no "catch" to our offer. You shall not be signing up for any "trial" to some hidden monthly program, or anything like that, and we offer right up front our product launch short script copy book, $4.97 and our trial membership $4.97, followed by our annual $497.00, along with our $71,000.00 income opportunity to pay for it all.




if you don't like our product launch short script copy book let us know, and we'll even give you back the $4.97 and you won't need to send it back, keep it, and our $71,000.00 income opportunity will still be yours too when you contract with us as a W-9/W-8BEN Contractor.


Now with that said, claim your product launch short script copy book now, and join our tribe,

you won't regret it.


--> and claim your copy now. 


You won't regret it.


Hurry Before Time Runs Out!

More than "20,736 NEW MONTHLY Subscribers" shall join us in helping "YOU to become successful online!"

Copyright © April 04, 2019, 1NBUSINESS™ CORPORATION All Rights Reserved.